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Restaurant City - Gourmet King AIO Cheat

Posted by oldx3 Friday, July 16, 2010

Required Tools [Download ]:

Credits: fREE2SW4U
  1. Download Require Files above
  2. Open fiddler and replace Ingredien, Recipe and Rustic The rule editor are as required
    regex:(?insx)^.*ingredient\.bin$   -  for Ingredient
      -  for Rustic
    regex:(?insx)^.*recipe\.bin$  -  for Recipe
  3. Load Restaurant City. If replaced correctly, the 3 lines will be highlighted.
  4. To find the Food King please watch video below. 
Ingredients includes: Cherry.Coconut.Coriander.Cream.Kiwi.Mint.Peach.Pineapple.Pomegranate.Salmon.

This cheat is better done on a secondary account. Keep finding the Gourment King (you have to refresh the game after finding him) and just Share/Publish the item that you want. Then use your primary account to claim the item. 

As shown in the screenshot above, I replaced all 3 files with the items that I want and all 3 items will show up when you found gourmet king. He is always in the same area as seen in the video below.


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