Tools (Download):
- Fiddler
- IE or Chrome
- Bin Files Sendspace | Freakshare
- You must have food quiz.
- Clear your browser cache.
- Open Fiddler
- Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add'
- Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*quiz\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
- Beside Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
- Select "quiz.bin" that you just downloaded then click save.
- Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add' again
- Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*ingredient\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
- Beside Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
- Select any ingredients bin file that you just downloaded then click save.
- Now you can start you retaurant city and get your ingredients from Food Quiz.
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