first download nofil2000My EmpireAdder and unzip it in you desktop . It contains a file called nofil2000.html
step 1:
open your web browser and open two tabs : in the first one load nofil2000.html and in the second load facebook home page and log in to your profile
step 2 (Prepare Fiddler)
open fiddler -- auto responder and add the following rule:
if URI respond with C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\nofil2000MEgifts\crossdoma in.xml
crossdomain.xml can be found in the same zip file . change the path according to your path then clear your cache
Step 3:
open nofil2000.html
Click GET ID to get your facebook id
step 4
Paste your friend id into the text box. (one ID per line. no extra space)
step 5
click the button "Arrest them and force them to be my neighbors"
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