Now, with this database, skip the 4 days and purchase it straight from the Food Shop.
Tools (Download):
- Fiddler2
- Preferred browser that works with Fiddler
- shopFood.dat Sendspace | Freakshare
Steps: it’s like the normal mystery cheat via fiddler
- Open Fiddler
- In Fiddler, search for this line ‘/game/pets/swf/X.X.X/shops/shopFoodXXXX.dat where xxx are the database version the current one is
-Right click this line, copy > just url
-Go to AutoResponder–> click add
-The url that you copied will appear.
-Now click on the arrow at the bottom besides the Save button
-Select ‘Find a File’ and browse for the file that you’ve just downloaded (ShopFood-completecorsage.Xml.Dat)
-Click save
-Reload petsociety
-Enter foodshop, then grocery tab and you should see the items!
Regular Expression for ShopFood:
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