For those Pet Society addicts who needs to collect every single item, this cheat is going to help you tremendously as I believe it is a near full list of Mystery Box items. Basically, just swap the shopmystery db and you should see all the Mystery-box items in the MysteryShop.
I would recommend purchasing some items then going to the bank to auto save the game just in case Playfish blocks the purchase of any old MB items.
Tools (Download):
- Open Fiddler
- Click 'Clear cache'. Clear your browser cache too.
- Go into Pet Society and wait till it loads.
- In Fiddler, search for this line '/game/pets/swf/X.X.X/shops/shopMysteryXXXX.dat (the X are digits that changes every update)
hint: pro users can use the regular expression at the end of the post (just make sure the digits match) - Right click this line, copy > just url
- Go to Autoresponder
- Click Add
- The url that you copied will appear.
- Now click on the arrow at the bottom besides the Save button
- Select 'Find a File' and browse for the database that you've just downloaded from me
"AllMysterybox_ShopMystery.Dat" - Click Save
- Click Clear Cache and refresh your Pet Society
- Enter the MysteryShop, Glow in the dark and you should see all the MB Items.
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