Tools (Download):
- Cheat Engine
- Firefox
- Flash 10
- Click to play Nightclub party [Click to Play]
- Earn some exp and coins
- Open cheat engine and select browser in process list
- Change value to Array of Bytes, Tick Also scan read-only mem, Tick Hex
- Scan "89818C0000008B41" 1 address returned
- Right click and Disassemble mem region
- Right click selected line and select 'Toggle Breakpoint'
- After a while, the game and browser and probably this page will freeze. So open the steps in another browser.
- Change the value of both ESI and EDX to '99999999' (located in top right corner, red memory region)
- Right click the selected line again (step 7) and select Toggle Breakpoint
- Click Debug > Play and the browser,game will unfreeze
- You will now be level 35 and extremely rich. Have fun.
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