Tools (download all tools in the Tools section):
- Cheat Engine 5.6
- Flash 9 & 10
- Firefox
- Enter My City Life [click to play]
- Earn some coins by selling or buying something
- Open cheat engine and select browser in process list
- Scan Settings = Array of bytes, HEX, Also scan read only mem
- Scan "F20F108088000000F20F114424F8DD44" Flash 9
Scan "F20F108098000000F20F114424F8" Flash 10 - 1 address returned.
- Right click > Disassemble
- Right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
- Now, start spending freely! Notice your coins and cash will be 0. But you can purchase any items EXCEPT expansions
- No worries, just purchase all the expensive buildings, sell it, expand and redo the entire cheat again.
- This cheat works for the other games by the same company.
1. 進入遊戲買或賣一個物品
2. Cheat Engine 介面左上方位按一下「電腦圖示」,再選擇「你的瀏覽器」,再按「Open」
3. Cheat Engine 設定勾選(Hex.Array of bytes.Also scan read only memory)
4. 複製位址 "F20F108088000000F20F114424F8DD44"Flash 9
複製位址 "F20F108088000000F20F114424F8"Flash 10
5. 搜到位址後用滑鼠右鍵選「Disassemble this memory region」
6. 將 movsd xmm0,[eax+00000088] 改為 'Replace with code that does nothing'
7. 現在你開始買物品(金錢數值會會歸 0)其間經驗值會上升,買滿物品(可買 K 幣物品),記錄遊戲
8. 重入遊戲,賣出剛才的所有物品,你的金錢也會一直增加,完成!
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