- Firefox
- Greasemonkey –
- Download script here
Facebook is trying to stop the automation of this script.There is a risk of getting banned if you refresh too often and grab too many requests at once.
Please only use 1 max simultaneous request and a refresh time of at least one minute if not more.
How It Works
- This script automatically grabs bonuses, bouquets, animals, eggs, fuel, presents, collectibles, and any other special event items.
- Each can be disabled by using the options interface (look at screenshots).
- Use the latest stable browser version of your kind. Mozilla Firefox & Google Chrome are supported and tested.
- Use the url cleaner script for best results.
- Use this farmville filter url for the script instead of the homepage. Bookmark it, and click the bookmark when you want the script to run.
- If you want to decrease the chance of freezing and slow downs, install this extension.
Extra Features (all can be toggled or changed)
- Auto refresh page every 2 minutes (default; it is changeable).
- Choose if you want it only to run on the filter page or homepage.
- Choose which animals you want to adopt, and which colors of them you want.
- Choose which eggs you want to hatch, and which colors of them you want.
- Auto click "Show [x] similar posts" links.
- Status debug bar to see how many current requests are going through (click to pause script).
- Choose how long a request can attempt to load before it is deemed timed-out.
- Auto-pause when typing.
- Choose how many requests load simultaneously (use at your own risk).
多媒體工具:Adobe Flash Player 9 or 10
遊戲網址:Farmville 農場鄉村
FarmVille 農場鄉村的送禮玩法比起偷菜好多了,只是FV的禮物真的是多到不行,除了之前新增收藏品系列,日前還有情人節活動,現在還有愛爾蘭人最重要的節日St. Patrick's Day的活動,如果不靠點小程式來幫忙,真的會累壞一些上班族,趕快來看看怎們用外掛來自動領活動物品囉!
1. 此方式必須使用Firefox瀏覽器,建議使用3.6以上版本。
2. 點選Firefox上方工作列「工具」 →「附加元件」
3. 「取得元件」→「輸入Greasemonkey搜尋」→「找到Greasemonkey」→「安裝到Firefox」
4. 然後使用Firefox瀏覽器進入:FarmVille Wall Manager這個網址,點擊「Install」5. 出現安裝訊息點擊「安裝」
6. 然後到外掛預設執行頁面(外掛"預設"在Farmville的訊息過濾頁執行)
7. 進入"過濾網址"後就會在左邊看到一項「FVWM 1.2.172 Options」,表示外掛安裝完成了!
7. 滑鼠點擊「FVWM 1.2.172 Options」會出現設定選單
Manager Options:欲自動皆收的獎勵、收藏品及金蛋等。8. 設定好之後按下Save儲存設定;
Specific Animal Adoption:欲領養的動物種類
Other Options:頁面自動重刷時間、僅於Farmville過濾頁面執行等多種設定。
9. 之後外掛就會自動收取朋友發放的獎勵、物品及動物囉!
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