FireFox , Chrome
Flashplayer 10
Cheat Engine 5.X
- Cheat Engine select HEX/8 bytes/ASROM
- Scan "758B00000022820F"
- Right click on the first result.
- Select "Disassemble this memory region"
- Right click on the first line and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
- Now you can fish instantly
- Cheat Engine 使用 HEX/8 bytes/ASROM
- 搜尋 "758B00000022820F"
- 會搜尋到兩個位址.於第一個位址按滑鼠右鍵.
- 選擇 "Disassemble this memory region"
- 在於第一行選擇 "Replace with code that does nothing"
- 之後魚一上鉤就直接釣上.不用在那邊拖拖拉拉了.
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