Tools (download Tools in the Tools section):
- Charles 3.4.1
- Flash 10
- Open Charles Web Proxy Debugger
- Enter SPP Ranch! (click to play)
- Click on a rubbish.
- In Charles, you should see this line ''
- Expand it 「+」 > Expand ranch 「+」 > Expand amfapi/ 「+」
- You will see the line bulk_dispatch_actions (select the bottom one), right click and select 'Repeat Advanced'
- Iterations: 100,000 . Concurrency: 5
- Let the iterations run finish. Refresh the game and you should see your new exp and coins. Enjoy!
Note: you can ignore the 30mins charles message as it will continue running.
1. 下載、解壓及安裝「Charles Web Proxy Debugger」(請勿更新 3.5 版!)
2. 開啟「Charles」按 Ctrl+N 以開一個新「Session」
3. 進入 SppRanch 遊戲
4. 撿一件垃圾 ,切換到 Charles 留意一列 點「+」再點 amfapi/
5. 在 bulk_dispatch_actions() 滑鼠右鍵選「Repeat Advanced」
6. 第一欄鍵入 100000 第二欄鍵入 5 再按「OK」(表示跑十萬次,每次同時跑5線)
7. 之後等待「Charles」讀取完數據,重入遊戲,金錢及經驗值會增加(其間可以自由進出遊戲)
8. 跑每件垃圾所得的金錢及經驗值應有上限!至於是多少那就有勞各位了:)
Credits: h333472002
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