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Pet Society - Unique Color Maker (Flash 9 only)

Posted by oldx3 Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Firstly , Go to Pet Society

Yes , the old cheat is back!!

Requirement (All Tools can be downloaded at "Usefull Tools Download" :
  • Cheat Engine 5.6
  • Flash Player 9
  • Patiniox color generator
  • Brain
  1. Go to  Pet Society by clicking above links
  2. Go to Shortcut ( globe icon ) and Enter to Stylist
  3. Choose some color (Dont click " √ " yet)
  4. Open Cheat engine 5.6
  5. Make sure you setting/tick this following (Hex, 8bytes, Also Scan Read Only Memory ) 
  6. Scan address "08458b0000009481"  (Flash 9 only - Flash 10 Coming soon)
  7. 1 address should returned
  8. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region" 
  9. Right Click the address that highlighted/selected code and select "Go to address"  
  10. Now , Copy the address
  11. Paste your address on the Patiniox color generator
  12. Choose your favourite colour
  13. Click "Enviar" ( the new code will automaticly copied )
  14. Now , Back to Cheat Engine , go to "Tools" and select "Auto Assemble"
  15. Paste the code ( CTRL +V ) and then Click "Execute"
  16. Back to Pet Society , click " √ "
  17. Viola !You pet colour should change right now , Enjoy !

If you lost or unclear , watch the video below


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