Tools (download tools in the Tools section):
- Cheat Engine 5.6
- Firefox/Chrome/Flock (any browser of your choice)
- Enter Pet Society with a secondary account if possible.
- Open Cheat Engine (8bytes, hex, AlsoScanReadOnlyMem)
- Select browser in process list
- Scan "000026840FE44589"
- 1 address returned. Right click and select Disassemble
- You will see the next line is "je XXXXX" (XXX is random digits)
- Right click this "je XXXXX" and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
- Now enter any room and you will see Cupid-Hideeni.Click him, share and publish those roses
- Use another account/your main account to claim those roses. There are 12 of such roses so keep changing room and clicking on Hideeni to get all 12.
1. Cheat Engine v5.5 介面左上方位按一下「電腦圖示」,再選擇「你的瀏覽器」,再按「Open」
2. Cheat Engine v5.5 設定勾選(Hex.8 bytes.Also scan read only memory)
3. 複製位址 000026840FE44589 滑鼠右鍵選
「Disassemble this memory region」之後會彈出另一個視窗,下一列 je xxxxxx
滑鼠右鍵選「Replace with code that does nothing」→「OK」
4. 完成!
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