Tools: (Download)
Firefox 3.5
Flash Player 10
Cheat Engine 5.5
Firstly , Go to Pet Society
Steps :
- Go to Pet So Society by clicking above links
- Brush your pet
- Open Cheat Engine v5.6 and choose process FireFox
- Tick This following Cheat Engine v5.6 settings (Hex. Array of bytes. Also scan read only memory)
- Scan address "0F84D50200008B5DFC8B73088B8EEC"
- 1 address returned
- Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
- Right click the selected/highlighted code/line then select "Replace with code that does nothing"
- Back to Cheat Engine Menu , New Scan address "0F8F500500008B7DD08B873C020000"
- 1 address returned
- Repeat step 8 to 9
- Back to Cheat Engine Menu , New Scan address "8B403C8945E88B45e885c0"
- 1 address returned
- Repeat step 8 to 9
- Now your pet will "teleporting" , Take out your brush and brush your pet
EXP Steps :
- Now , we will do exp cheat
- New scan address "85C08975EC8B45FC8945E8BF"
- 1 address returned
- Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
- Find mov [ebp-18], eax , click once ( highlight ) and go to "Tools" and choose "Auto Assemble"
- At the top of the menu point "Template" → "Code injection" → "OK"
- Copy address mov [ebp-14], 7A120 and paste it after mov [ebp-18], eax ,
- Click "Execute" → "Yes" → "OK"
- Now , go buy any food
- Then , go to your home and brush your pet
7A120 is a hexadecimal code, the following for your information (such as the need for other values, please use a small abacus conversion)
EXP = 0
+EXP 1000 = 3E8
+EXP 10,000 = 2710
+EXP 100,000 = 186A0
+EXP 500,000 = 7A120
1. 進入遊戲,用「刷子」刷一下寵物
2. Cheat Engine v5.5 介面左上方位按一下「電腦圖示」,再選擇「你的瀏覽器」,再按「Open」
3. Cheat Engine v5.5 設定勾選(Hex.Array of bytes.Also scan read only memory)
「Disassemble this memory region」
「Replace with code that does nothing」
4. 複製位址 0F84D50200008B5DFC8B73088B8EEC
5. 複製位址 0F8F500500008B7DD08B873C020000
6. 複製位址 8B403C8945E88B45e885c0
免加經驗值方法:(Hex.Array of bytes.Also scan read only memory)
7. 進入遊戲,加一次經驗值到「Food」購買物品)如果之前有做刷寵,這步驟可免
8. 複製位址 85C08975EC8B45FC8945E8BF
9. 搜到位址後,用滑鼠移到該位址再用滑鼠右鍵選「Disassemble this memory region」
10. 往下三列點一下 mov [ebp-18],eax 在上方菜單點「Tools」→「Auto Assemble」會彈出另一視窗
11. 在上方菜單點「Template」→「Code injection」→「OK」
12. 往下找一列為 mov [ebp-18],eax 在後面按鍵盤上「Enter」
13. 複製位址 mov [ebp-14],0 並貼上剛才的欄位當中的 0 表示不加經驗值
14. 按「Execute」→「Yes」→「OK」
註:刷寵時建議你刷 $150-200 之後按「Add Coins」再回家 或 到朋友家一直循環刷
不加 EXP = 0
+EXP 1000 = 3E8
+EXP 10,000 = 2710
+EXP 100,000 = 186A0
+EXP 500,000 = 7A120
Credits: fREE2
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