Credits: pablito@cheats2010
Tools (download tools in the Tools section):
- cheat engine 5.6
- flash 10
- firefox/flock
- Open cheat engine (hex, array of bytes, ASROM)
- Enter Country Story (click to play)
- Water a plant
- Scan "660F2EC10F93C00FB6C08945EC8B45EC"
- 1 address returned. Right click > Diassemble
- You will see the line 'blahblah.xmm0,xmm1". Change it to "blahblah.xmm0,xmm0"
- Scroll down a few lines and you should see the code "ind "test eax,eax"
- Change it to "test ebx,ebx"
- Plant a seed or water a plant now. You will keep getting rewards each time you plant/water a seed.
1. 進入遊戲,做一點加經驗值的事情(如掘地、澆水等等)
2. Cheat Engine v5.5 介面左上方位按一下「電腦圖示」,再選擇「你的瀏覽器」,再按「Open」
3. Cheat Engine v5.5 設定勾選(Hex.Array of bytes.Also scan read only memory)
4. 複製位址
660F2EC10F93C00FB6C08945E8 (Updated 12-2-2010)
5. 搜到位址後,用滑鼠右鍵選「Disassemble this memory region」
6. 滑鼠雙擊 ucomisd xmm0,xmm1 改為 ucomisd xmm0,xmm0
7. 往下數行,滑鼠雙擊 test eax,eax 改為 test edx,edx (改為 test ebx,ebx 也可以,但未知有否分別呢!)
8. 回到遊戲,做一點加經驗值的事情,每一次就會獲得「Instant Fertilizer」(隨等級不同會有不同獎勵)
9. 過程中會表示你 Level UP,不用理它,重入遊戲後「獎勵」會被儲存!(但經驗值會自行記錄)
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