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Pet Resort - Coins, Cash and EXP Cheats

Posted by oldx3 Thursday, July 22, 2010

Required Tools [Download]:
  • Charles
  • Firefox
Credits: clownie23

  1. Open Charles
  2. Enter Pet Resort [play now]
  3. In charles, you will see the line
  4. Expand it and you will see 'amfphp'
  5. Right click amfphp and select Breakpoints
  6. Refresh Pet Resort
  7. A breakpoint tab will appear. Click Execute 7 times.
  8. Click on the Edit Response tab
  9. Click AMF tab.
  10. Change Player_XP and Player_Coins to 90127200
  11. Click Execute 12 times.
  12. Edit Response tab > AMF
  13. Change Player_Cash to 90127200
  14. Click Execute 2 times. 
  15. Edit Response tab > AMF
  16. Change Player_Cash to 90127200
  17. You should see everything reflected in the game. Just save it and refresh. Everything still remains.

Required Tools [Download]:

  • Fishing baits database [ Sendspace | Ziddu ]
  • Fiddler2
  • Chrome/firefox

    Credits: Slvr

    A surprise Pet Society update caused the previous database to malfunction. It has been updated to suit 3.2.30.
Pear - Gummy(10)
Leek - Easter(16)
Strawberry - Valentine(15)
Onion - Halloween(16)
Corn - Christmas/Holiday(25)
Lemon - Bakery(10)
Carrot - Pro Fish(19)
Cauliflower - Cashfish/Fish Biscuit(20) 

  1. Go into Pet Society and buy the foods you want from the above list without replace the database.
  2. Save game.
  3. Download Database from the links above.
  4. Open fiddler and replace database.dat. The rule editor are as required
    Drag database.dat into fiddler autoresponder
  5. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the database.dat will be highlighted.
  6. You should already have all the ingredients. So simply go fish and use those cash baits. You will notice that there is a Yellow Dot on the corner. This means that database replaced correctly.  
Fast Fishing (Will not work for latest version of firefox. Try it on Chrome (the 3rd chrome you see in CE) or Safari browser)

  • Cheat Engine (Hex.8 bytes.Also scan read only memory)
  • Scan 758B00000022820F
  • 1 address found. Disassemble memory region.
  • Right click and Replace with code that does nothing

Required Tools [Download ]:

Credits: fREE2SW4U

  1. Download Require Files above
  2. Open fiddler and replace Ingredien, Recipe and Rustic The rule editor are as required
    regex:(?insx)^.*ingredient\.bin$   -  for Ingredient
      -  for Rustic
    regex:(?insx)^.*recipe\.bin$  -  for Recipe
  3. Load Restaurant City. If replaced correctly, the 3 lines will be highlighted.
  4. To find the Food King please watch video below. 
Ingredients includes: Banana, Cherry, Coconut, Coriander, Cream, Kiwi, Mint, Peach, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Salmon, Seaweed, Sugar, Tofu, Tomato, Tuna, Vanilla

Use Unlock-All-Recipe.bin to unlock all the recipe.

Required Tools [Download]:

Credits: ong ming chern
Replacing all the database will allow you to 1 hit KO all hunting house bosses.
Do NOT publish when you win the boss or someone may report you for killing all the bosses within such a short period of time.

  1. Download required files above
  2. Open Fiddler
  3. Drag all downloaded files (all the eneXXX.swf files) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
  4. Enter Ninja Saga [ play now ]
  5. If replaced correctly, the replace files will be highlighted.
  6. Just fight those bosses and it's 1 hit KO. If it isn't, you have not replaced the files correctly.

Required Tools [Download]:

  • Fishing baits database [ Sendspace | Ziddu ]
  • Fiddler2
  • Chrome/firefox

    Credits: Sammy
Pear - Gummy(10)
Leek - Easter(16)
Strawberry - Valentine(15)
Onion - Halloween(16)
Corn - Christmas/Holiday(25)
Lemon - Bakery(10)
Carrot - Pro Fish(19)
Cauliflower - Cashfish/Fish Biscuit(20) 

  1. Go into Pet Society and buy the foods you want from the above list without replace the database.
  2. Save game.
  3. Download Database from the links above.
  4. Open fiddler and replace database.dat. The rule editor are as required
    Drag database.dat into fiddler autoresponder
  5. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the database.dat will be highlighted.
  6. You should already have all the ingredients. So simply go fish and use those cash baits. You will notice that there is a Yellow Dot on the corner. This means that database replaced correctly. 

Restaurant City - Collaborative Gifts Generator V3.0

Posted by oldx3 Monday, July 19, 2010

Required Tools [Download]:

  • Collaborative Gifts Generator V3.0 [ Sendspace | Ziddu ]
  • Fiddler2
  • Chrome/firefox
Note: Everyone who asks about the Security error message just makes me want to rip your head apart and check if there is a brain inside. If you get a security error message, it means you did NOT replace crossdomain.xml as stated in my steps. 

Also, this cheat is just to obtain some easy ingredients that can be gifted such as Cherry. Do check the discussion on the group as there are kind people who compiled lists of v3 tokens already.

Credits: nofil2000 
  1. Download Nofil2000 gifts generator. Links above. Extract the folder to your desktop.
  2. Open Fiddler (check File > Capture Traffic is ticked. For firefox, you will need to Force traffic to Fiddler)
  3. Log into Facebook.
  4. Open the nofil2000.html in the extracted folder in your browser. 
  5. Visit this URL: ''  You will see an error page, but no worries. 
  6. Check your fiddler now.
  7. You will see this line 'crossdomain.xml' Right click it and select Copy > Just URL
  8. Go to the Auto responder tab, and click ADD 
  9. The crossdomain line will appear. Ensure only that line is ticked. 
  10. Click on the dropdown arrow beside the Save button
  11. Select 'Find a file..'
  12. Browse to the nofil2000 folder and open the crossdomain.xml inside the folder.
  13. Click Save.  (watch video if you do not understand these steps)
  14. Click clear cache in Fiddler. If you do not do the above steps correctly you will get Security error
  15. V3 tokens is completely different then older versions you can not use it on the old versions and you can not use tokens generated by old version
  16. Now look at the nofil2000.html tab.
  17. Click Get ID and wait for your Facebook ID to appear. 
  18. Click Get Token and wait for the Token to appear.
  19. A token code will be generated. Copy and paste it in this group 'COLLABORATIVE GIFTS EXCHANGE' to share with fellow cheaters so that everyone can gain more gifts. 
  20. Unlike older versions , token generated by outdated item id will cause error 500 so make sure you generate tokens using ids that are on the current gifting menu .for this reason , I set the default to 40000072 , you can change this any value and save it on your pc so that you do not need to type it each time you load the tool. also item id will be included in the token so that you know the id used to generate the token. invalid token will be skipped and you should not share skipped tokens only failed or successful
  21. Now copy all the token you can see on that page and paste it into the nofil2000.html
  22. Unlike older version , you can not use your own token !!! Only 1 token each line! Or it will FAIL.
  23. Click GET GIFTS and watch as the gifts are loaded! (note: Convert ID has been PATCHED so it no longer works. You only get the items which the token-maker used)
  24. Once done, enter RC and the ingredients are already in your restaurant. 
  25. Gifts will not be on your inbox , they will go directly to the chest
  26. You will receive a reward gift each time someone uses your token

Ninja Saga - Dummy missions

Posted by oldx3

Required Tools [Download]:


Note: May or may not get banned. Ninja Saga admins are pansies so I do not know.
If nothing happens, it only means you DID NOT replace properly. So follow the simple steps carefully and do it again.

  1. Download the files above. 
  2. Open Fiddler.
  3. Go to Autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
  4. Click ADD.
  5. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to REGEX:(?insx)^.*mission\.swf$
  6. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save and select 'File a file'
  7. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select 'mission.swf'
  8. Click SAVE
  9. Click ADD again.
  10. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to REGEX:(?insx).*data_library_en\.swf$
  11. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file'
  12. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select 'data_library_en.swf'
  13. Click SAVE.
  14. Now your rule editor should look like this.
  15. Clear browser cache and reload/enter Ninja Saga.
  16. All missions will be DUMMIFIED. 

Restaurant City - Gourmet King AIO Cheat

Posted by oldx3 Friday, July 16, 2010

Required Tools [Download ]:

Credits: fREE2SW4U
  1. Download Require Files above
  2. Open fiddler and replace Ingredien, Recipe and Rustic The rule editor are as required
    regex:(?insx)^.*ingredient\.bin$   -  for Ingredient
      -  for Rustic
    regex:(?insx)^.*recipe\.bin$  -  for Recipe
  3. Load Restaurant City. If replaced correctly, the 3 lines will be highlighted.
  4. To find the Food King please watch video below. 
Ingredients includes: Cherry.Coconut.Coriander.Cream.Kiwi.Mint.Peach.Pineapple.Pomegranate.Salmon.

This cheat is better done on a secondary account. Keep finding the Gourment King (you have to refresh the game after finding him) and just Share/Publish the item that you want. Then use your primary account to claim the item. 

As shown in the screenshot above, I replaced all 3 files with the items that I want and all 3 items will show up when you found gourmet king. He is always in the same area as seen in the video below.

Tools [Download]:

 Credits: joojoobe
  1. Download Database from the links above.
  2. Drag database.dat and shopMystery2115.dat into Fiddler Autoresponder.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the 2 lines will be highlighted.
  4. Go to mysteryshop and you will see all the items.
  5. For Pink Throne, a win or lose box will be purchased at 150 coins. The throne inside will be sold at 999 coins. 
  6. For cash peets:
    Cat will evolve into Tiger
    Dog to Lamb
    Coyote to Bear
    Lion to Pegasus
  7. For wigs, go to MysteryShop > Glow in the Dark
  8. For New ICE CREAM FISHES items, use Apple (purchase lots of Apples BEFORE using the cheat so it will only cost u yellow coins) to fish for it. 
  9. For Mermaid Items, use BBQ Mushroom to fish for it. 

Restaurant City - Collaborative Gifts Generator V2.1

Posted by oldx3 Thursday, July 15, 2010

Download [ Ziddu | Sendspace
For steps please visit here
RC generator V2.1 is done
V2.0 default item 4000072 generate a token which always failed .now the default is set to 4000002


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